
Institutional strengthening of the International Organization of Young Leaders for Peace and Sustainable Development

To be for the Africa region a strong youth organization working for a social and legal environment favorable to their strong potential and full development;
Priority Action 1

Engagement, participation and awareness

Raising the voices of young people for a peaceful, just and viable world

Take into account in the priority actions of all the activity centers of YOUNG LEADERS INTL ORGANIZATION FOR PEACE & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, INC. , the need for active and sustainable collaboration and partnerships with young people and with their organizations, networks and movements through formal and informal mechanisms in order to achieve pan-African participation of young people in the defense of their rights;


Examine, improve and expand the modalities of cooperation, partnership and intergenerational dialogue within the Member States of the African Union with youth organizations, networks and movements, as well as with young people without particular affiliation in order to 'act in a concerted manner to collaborate with youth representatives at regional, national and local levels to take into account their deepest needs and aspirations;


Promote broad and genuine participation of young people in intergovernmental bodies, particularly those whose activities relate to the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular by providing solid and personalized support to our delegates and youth representatives in countries;

Set standards

Lead governments or decision-makers to transform their methods of cooperation with young people at the national and local levels as well as to apply the principles of useful and sustainable participation of young people;

Create a link

Improve the methods used by YOUNG LEADERS INTL ORGANIZATION FOR PEACE & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, INC. to communicate with young people, listen to them and respond to their needs, strategically employing the Organization's capacities to mobilize and build partnerships, to carry out large-scale multimedia communication and awareness campaigns across intention of young people;

Increase resources

Strengthen and develop the capacities and resources of the Organization in order to identify, appreciate and highlight the contributions of several young leaders;

Making the voices of young people heard

Establish partnerships with young people who defend the values ​​of the Organization at the global, national or local levels to better make their voices heard and increase the reach and influence of global actions launched by young people, including in the framework of United Nations summits, such as the High-level Political Forum for Sustainable Development organized under the aegis of the General Assembly, the summits of the heads of the African Union or regional states such as ECOWAS.