Population growth is in fact still high even if disparities exist between regions. In Africa, adolescents and young people aged 10-24 represent almost 60% of the total population. When they are in good health, this target constitutes strong economic potential for the country. It is precisely for this reason that adolescents and young people are chosen as a priority target in countries' development policies and strategies.
In Africa, the fertility rate still remains problematic. It is still around 4 to 6 children per woman on the continent, or even 6 or 7 in certain countries where the demographic transition has barely begun. The growing share of youth in the African population is a very concrete reality. 60% of Africans are under 24 years old. By 2050, 35% of young people in the world will be African, while this proportion was only 15% in 2000. This specificity is an essential factor in the future of this continent, which is the youngest in the world.
Indeed, the ongoing United Nations Youth Strategy 2030 seeks to increase the effectiveness and scope of action taken at global, regional and national levels to meet the needs of young people around the world, to strengthen their capacity to action and promote their rights while respecting their diversity, as well as encourage their mobilization and participation in the implementation, review and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and other global programs and instruments relevant.
African youth are connected to the world. More educated, young people express strong expectations regarding the political and social choices of societies. Its openness to the world is one of the factors favoring greater mobilization of youth in favor of the development of their country. When they are in good health, this target constitutes strong economic potential for the country.
African states, through the African Union's Agenda 2063, commit to giving importance to the active participation of young people in decision-making, taking into account their opinions. Youth voices have been valuable in the development of the SDGs and will be equally important in monitoring and accountability.
It is in this perspective that YOUNG LEADERS INTL ORGANIZATION FOR PEACE & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, INC developed and adopted during the 2022 annual session, three (03) Strategic Axes to guide the planning and implementation of action programs strategic over the next five (05) years.