
Involvement of young African leaders in peace and development processes

Engage young people in the Africa region in the process of consolidating peace and sustainable development and promoting the rule of rights
Priority Action 4

Peacebuilding and resilience building

Helping young people get involved in the service of peace and security and humanitarian action
Protect and promote the fundamental rights of young people

Prioritize and support activities to promote and develop policies and programs aimed at protecting the fundamental rights of young people, preventing and combating systematic, widespread and serious violations of their rights, ensuring that attention increased attention is given to young people experiencing additive forms of discrimination and violence and to guarantee their access to justice;

Raise public awareness of the situation of young people in terms of fundamental rights

Increase understanding of the specific obstacles and difficulties that young people face in accessing fundamental rights; and use this information to define and promote measures to facilitate young people's exercise of their rights;

Promote respect of fundamental rights

Encourage the consideration of all young people's rights (including their right to participate in public affairs) in high-impact advocacy work, special procedures and other human rights mechanisms, and highlight how it is important to protect young human rights defenders and the organizations to which they are attached;

Promote the participation of young people in public and political life

Mobilize the capacities of the Organization to promote the right of young people to participate in public affairs, including political and civic activities, platforms and institutions, such as elections, constitution-making processes, political parties and parliaments;

Building capacity and education on human rights

Accentuate the Organization's efforts to promote education and training in human rights as well as education for citizenship and sustainable development, without discrimination, in order to promote civic spirit and participation in civic life, volunteering and a culture of peace and non-violence among young people.

Priority Action 5

Young people and human rights

Protect and promote the rights of young people and encourage their civic and political engagement
Promote a favorable environment for young people and their participation in official peace processes

Recognize that young people contribute significantly to peace and security, violence prevention, disaster risk reduction and humanitarian and climate action, and create an enabling climate for youth action (e.g. example by carrying out reintegration, recovery and resilience activities for young people affected by conflicts). Encourage and facilitate meaningful youth participation in all phases of formal peace and peacebuilding processes;

Promoting safe public spaces

Ensure that young people have access to spaces to gather, live, learn and work, particularly in conflict situations including pandemic, informal settlements, slums and refugee camps;

Consolidate partnerships and promote ongoing dialogue

Strengthen local, national, regional and global collaboration and partnerships, including between youth-led organizations and governments, such as creating coalitions for youth, peace and security, and build capacity to adapt to climate change and mitigation and disaster risk reduction initiatives; Create spaces for inclusive, representative, democratic and structured dialogue and consultation to enable young people to contribute to activities relating to peace and security and humanitarian and climate actions;

Building capacity and expanding opportunities

Strengthen the capacities of youth-led organizations working for peace, security and humanitarian and climate action to expand the reach of their work and ensure their sustainability, and strengthen the capacities of institutional actors to collaborate with young people ; Create spaces allowing young people to contribute to the promotion of a culture of peace by participating in intercultural and interreligious dialogue with a view to preventing conflicts. Give young people the opportunity to use their skills and networks to formulate and defend a discourse to oppose messages calling for violence, extremism and radicalization, and encourage them to do so;

Protecting and helping young people in humanitarian contexts

Provide integrated support to young people in humanitarian contexts with a focus on their protection (particularly for young women and girls) and ensure their participation in all phases of humanitarian action, including by strengthening their capacities.