In order to prevent early pregnancies and their corollaries among young people in and out of school, UNFPA has provided technical and financial support since 2012 under the coordination of the CSO-HIV Platform to the Association LE RESPONSABLE “Young Leaders International Organization For Peace & Sustainable Development, Inc" for the organization of national awareness campaigns and the provision of integrated services in the areas of family planning, management of STIs using the syndromic approach and HIV testing advice in Lomé commune and maritime regions to improve the knowledge of at least 44,600 young people on sexual and reproductive health issues, namely:
The primary targets of the interventions are adolescents and young people aged 10-24 in the intervention area. These are secondary school students, apprentices, single mothers or households, young people in the informal sector, etc.;
These are therefore school and extracurricular young people from sites previously validated with the association and UNFPA. The number of boys and girls from each beneficiary site must be available before the start of the campaign. Secondary targets; parents, community leaders, CVDs, organized groups constitute the indirect beneficiaries and will have to constitute the support of CSOs on the ground.